
The TV police drama series “Alarm for Cobra 11”, produced by Germany-based production company Action Concept, is the most successful action TV series in Germany. It belongs to the long-established and trusted program lineup of RTL. “Alarm for Cobra 11” enjoys great international success, especially in Asia.

Action concept Film- & Stuntproduktion GmbH
Action Concept is one of the largest German full-service film production companies for live action TV series and films. It is the only film production company in the world to have been distinguished four times in a row with a “Taurus World Stunt Award” (yearly ceremony award that honors stunt performers in movies). Action Concept produces primetime highlights for both the German and International television market (including “Alarm for Cobra 11” and “The Clown”).

Award & Nomination

Taurus World Stunt Award

Learn more about “Alarm for Cobra 11

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ACTION CONCEPT Film- und Stuntproduktions GmbH

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